__ Alert, awake, aware
__ Generally "up" and "light," (mood)
__ Usually realistically optimistic
__ Focused, clear, and centered
__ Compassionate, kind, forgiving
__ Firm, strong, confidant, purposeful
__ Calm, serene, peaceful
__ Has a feeling of love when thinking of themselves as they are
__ Usually has a wide-angle, long-range focus - accepts delayed gratification
__ Balances long and short-term payoffs
__ Usually patient, persistent, committed
__ Appreciative, grateful, "glass half-full"
__ Empathic, sensitive, genuinely respectful
__ Spiritually open, aware, "connected," receptive, growing
__ Consistently self-nurturing without egotism
__ Genuine, honest, open, direct
__ Respectfully assertive
__ Socially engaged and active
__ Physically healthy: balanced diet, exercise, work and rest; gets preventive checkups
__ Spontaneously expressive of all emotions real-time, without major anxiety or guilt
__ Able to form genuine bonds with others
__ Able to judge who to dis/trust with what
__ Realistically self-responsible
__ Usually realistic about life and situations
__ Spontaneously able to exchange love
__ Comfortable receiving merited praise
__ Often able to forgive self and others
__ Usually feels lovable just as they are
__ Frequently maintains a two-person "awareness bubble"
__ Seldom gives double messages
__ Able to grieve losses spontaneously
__ Seeks Self-guided people and high-nurturance settings
__ Evolving and living a clear life purpose
__ Work, play, and rest are generally balanced
__ Fuzzy, distracted, confused, numb
__ Often "heavy," "down," gloomy, manic
__ Usually pessimistic or idealistic
__ Confused, vague, unable to stay focused
__ Blaming, critical, bigoted
__ Indecisive, worried, cautious, doubtful
__ "Upset," scared, angry, guilty, ashamed
__ Is given to self-agrandizing daydreams
__ Usually has a narrow, short-term focus
__ Usually seeks immediate gratification
__ Often impatient, impulsive, uncommitted
__ Bitter, jealous, resentful, "glass half empty"
__ Selfish, arrogant, disrespectful
__ Spiritually unaware, skeptical, closed, scornful, or uninterested
__ Consistently self-neglectful
__ Dishonest, indirect, sly, controlling
__ Timid and apologetic, or aggressive
__ Isolated or compulsively social
__ Physically unhealthy; relies on prescribed drugs or self-medication
__ Anxious, guilty, or blocked about feeling and/or expressing some or all emotions
__ Difficulty forming true (vs. pseudo) bonds
__ Difficulty discerning who to trust with what
__ Notably over- or under-responsible
__ Frequent distortions and denials
__ Difficulty giving and/or receiving real love
__ Uncomfortable receiving merited praise
__ Difficulty forgiving self and/or others
__ Usually feels the need to improve to be loved
__ Often focuses only on her/himself or a conversational partner - 1-person "bubble"
__ Often gives double messages
__ Difficulty grieving on one to three levels
__ Unconsciously prefers wounded people and low-nurturance settings
__ Unclear on or indifferent to a life purpose
__ Work, play, and rest are often unbalanced