The US Temperature Record 5: Preparing the Data

    1. Chose the dataset you want to use. I use the raw data because as a chemist I learned to use the data I recorded, and any fiddling you want to do needs to be done in the model. I'll be comparing the data later in this series. As an example, I'll use the tmax.raw data. Grab the file from (about 5 MB), which has the .tar.gz extension. Most zip programs can open this, and you'll need to drill into the directory structure (four-levels deep!) and unzip the .txt files in its own directory. I named mine tmax.raw. It contains 1200+ files.
    2. Concantate all the files into a single text file named tmax.raw.txt by first opening a command line window (windows-R, "cmd", enter) and navigate to the folder you just created:
      cd downloads
      cd ushcn
      cd tmax.raw
      dir (to confirm files are there)
      copy *.* Tmax.raw.txt
    3. This creates a file, Tmax.raw.txt, which is about 18 MB long.
    4. Import this data into a database program. I'll use MS Access, but libreBase works also. A spreadsheet won't work too well because we'll need to average all temperature readings for each year. The import function needs to define the columns of the data. Here is the list of the data columns, and there are a lot of them:
                Variable          Columns      Type
                --------          -------      ----
                ID                 1-11        Integer
                YEAR              13-16        Integer
                VALUE1            17-22        Integer
                DMFLAG1           23-23        Character
                QCFLAG1           24-24        Character
                DSFLAG1           25-25        Character
                  .                 .             .
                  .                 .             .
                  .                 .             .
                VALUE12          116-121       Integer
                DMFLAG12         122-122       Character
                QCFLAG12         123-123       Character
                DSFLAG12         124-124       Character
                Variable Definitions:
                ID: 11 character alfanumeric identifier:
      	      characters 1-2=Country Code ('US' for all USHCN stations)
      	      character 3=Network code ('H' for Historical Climatology Network)
                    digits 4-11='00'+6-digit Cooperative Observer Identification Number 
                YEAR: 4 digit year of the station record.
                VALUE: monthly value (MISSING=-9999).  Temperature values are in
                       hundredths of a degree Celsius, but are expressed as whole
                       integers (e.g. divide by 100.0 to get whole degrees Celsius).
      		 Precipitation values are in tenths of millimeters, but are
      		 also expressed as whole integers (e.g. divide by 10.0 to 
      		 get millimeters).  
    5. And repeat this process for any other datasets you want to graph. Create each in a new table of the database. You can save the import format (they call it the "import specification") so the subsequent imports are much easier than setting up the first. Each data table will be about 150,000 rows long, each representing one station's monthly averages for that year. What I did was build one import specification, then used that same "spec." for each dataset. They all have the same format. I'd name the resulting table as whatever it was (Tmax-raw, Tavg-TOB for example).
    6. Now, they didn't make this easy. Whenever a value is not known, they used the value -9999. All those need to be changed to [null] using the search-and-replace function; just leave the new value blank. I needed to do that several times per table to get them all changed.
    7. If you want to do what I'm doing by importing every dataset, plan to spend some time at it. The resulting .accdb file will be quite large, 325 MB. Maybe I'll update this file each year and make it available for download. Depends how well it compresses. These don't need to be updated often; the time base for climate change is very long, decades. Annual updates are more than often enough.

Next: Part 6: producing the annual averages and making the graphs.