BlogEngine Going Down?

I think this blog software, BlogEngine, is going to die soon. It's written in ASP.NET, a Microsoft web app technology that took over from the simpler (and thus better) Active Server Pages. I like ASP. Programmed in Visual Basic Script (a simplified Visual Basic which uses objects in the code and executed very quickly, especially in slow servers). I wrote my photos website in asp, and love how fast it runs. I used a lot of .dll's to make parts run fast, like image manipulation, reading odd databases (one left over from my using a PocketPC database app--this goes way back to the early days of whole-screen stylus-operated "assistants" before smart phones), reading EXIF data from image files, etc. It was fun programming, and worked as well as Python does today, probably better.

When ASP.NET showed up it became difficult as they tried to move a lot of the functionality into pre-built automated things what needed a lot of options programmed into them. I never got the hang of using them. The added layer of automation made programming too abstract, and I found it awkward.

BlogEngine was built by MS as a demo of the ASP.NET technology. It's still available from them, but there is very little support for it. One guy tried to keep it going by commercializing part of it, the themes. I use one of his themes, and like it a lot. But he just went off line (after promising a new version this year), so it looks like no new updates ever. 

Maybe I'll move everything to a new blog app, like WordPress. I with now I'd gone directly there. This is my 197th post, and that's a lot of content to move. But I have time, and can get it done. Maybe there is an app for WP that will suck out a page from another blog. There are conversion apps, but they seem not to work so well. And there are a lot of links that need to be fixed. We'll see. If BlogEngine just keeps running, I'll stick with it forever. It's slow, but on a faster CPU (as it is now) maybe it'll run fine.

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