The Educational Cost of the Covid-19 Response

Of the many bad outcomes of Fauci's funding the invention of Covid, a minority are from the health effects from the man-made virus itself. Most come from the government response to the virus. One of those responses was the lockout of children in schools. They all sat at home looking at a monitor to learn. And while I'm sure the teachers did the best they could, no one learns that way. We produced a generation of students who learned that half-assed education was good enough. Here is a USA Today article from the Covid years talking about the consequences of the response at the time.

And then those students came to the university.

In my General Chemistry classes, classes typically taken at the start of a premed major, student performance has fallen off sharply. Before Covid we lost 15% of the students to giving up in some way; now it's always above 30%. And before the lockdowns my GenChem 1 students scored between 50th and 55th percentile nationally; now it's 35th to 45th percentile. And my GenChem II students, those who did well in GenChem I, used to do 60th to 65th percentile, perform between 45th and 55th percentile on the nationally standardized exams. 

The situation is so bad that it seems the American Chemical Society Educational Exams Division, who makes and standardizes the exams, can't get a decent standard anymore. The last one released was 2018.

And we professors haven't a clue how to fix this. I set high expectations in my classes, and talk about the consequences of moving into a career path unprepared, and only a few students figure out how to work. Most think that the half-assed method they learned in high school is what gets you into a thriving career. Some have always thought that, but now most do.

Online education is built on low expectations, and a generation of students now have low expectations. And they can't survive a competitive education. They probably can't survive a competitive career either.

UVU administration is bragging up meeting their retention goals (I have no idea what those goals are). I can't believe it's true. I'm failing more students than I ever have. How can they be staying at UVU? Maybe the goals were made when attendance was much lower, and the goal is numbers, not percentages. I don't know. Whatever math they did, meeting a retention goal set before Covid isn't possible after the Covid response.